AUDEW 19 Spike Ice Crampons


Originally posted 2020-03-03 04:32:31.

Let’s be perfectly honest.  There’s few things as embarrassing as falling straight on your ass when walking on a patch of ice.   We’ve all done it – in the parking lot, on the sidewalk, on our front porch.. And falling on ice hurts!  I’ve known folks who have even broken wrists or their tailbones after a spill on the slick trickster we know as ice (or even worse, its invisible cousin black ice!)  Luckily, this doesn’t have to be your wintery painful fate, because the good folks at AUDEW have created a beautiful solution: the Audew 19 spike ice crampons!

Now, if you’re not familiar with what crampons are, think of those documentaries where you see people climbing Mt Everest.  Those spikes on their feet?  Those are called crampons.  As you would imagine, crampons are used to create extra traction when walking on ice and snow surfaces, more specifically slick and slippery icy ones. They are somewhat like snow chains that are used on your car tires, but in this case the tire is your boot.  The crampons dig into the ice much like a soccer player’s cleats dig into turf, giving each step you make a lot more “grip”, making you less likely to take a step and slide out from under yourself.

Audew 19 spike ice crampons: Features

  • Elastomer base is flexible and strong for top of crampon design
  • durable reinforced double chains
  • anti abrasive stainless steel design
  • lightweight and comes with a convenient storage bag

The Audew 19 spike ice crampons are a brilliant and easy to use design, with a top portion comprised of flexible and durable rubber – this slips onto your boot from underneath and creates a very snug fit for the chains below to criss cross the bottom of your boot.  The chains and spikes themselves are a solid steel construction and feature 12 spikes for the front portion of your step, and an additional  7 spikes on the heel.

Putting on the Audew 19 spike ice crampons to your boot is probably easier done when you are not wearing them, so it may be best to prepare to wear these prior to putting on your shoe or boot – but once they are affixed properly to the sole of your boot, they are quite comfortable and don’t noticeably effect the feeling of walking in your boots from what they were before.

The increased traction you receive when walking with the Audew 19 spike ice crampons is pretty profound – it is really quite amazing how much more each step you take feels like you’re really ‘dug in’, and even trying to forcefully slide your foot is made very difficult – which is preciously the idea!   If you’re living in a climate that gets a ton of icy days, these are invaluable to have, especially in the event you might have to ditch your vehicle and hoof it to safety in bad weather conditions.  And don’t think these are just for use on ice and snow – the Audew 19 spike ice crampons would make a great asset to assist you in climbing in muddy or wet conditions, such as on long hikes or hunting trips.

It’s really pretty awesome to have these as part of your footwear accessories, the ability to automatically turn your shoe into a formidable cleat is a really great option to have.

These are available both on AUDEW’s website and through Amazon –

There is a sizing guide you’ll want to check out so you get the right size of crampons for the footwear you’ll be using.  I purchased the XL size for use with my hunting boots (I wear a Men’s size 11) and they fit perfectly.  For trail shoes, you’ll probably want a small, and for medium hiking boots you’ll want the large.  For bigger winter and hunting boots, definitely get the XL.

You can find more cool AUDEW products here, and check out my reviews of the AUDEW Car charger, and more!